Signed in as:
Feel free to review the Partnership Eligibility and Agreement below or to print them for your review.
The application link is at the bottom of this page. Partnership Applications for 2025 will be accepted through December 15, 2024.
2025 Partnership Eligibiltiy and Agreement 1 (pdf)
DownloadTo be considered for partnership with Vision 4 Moore in 2025, a Charity must meet all eligibility requirements, as described below. A nonprofit Charity’s affiliation or partnership with Vision 4 Moore is at the sole discretion of Vision 4 Moore, and we reserve the right to exclude from partnership any Charity that fails to demonstrate and maintain sound organizational management practices, adequate capacity to deliver programs and services, or appropriate stewardship of resources.
The decision of partnership choices will be solely that of the Vision 4 Moore Board of Directors and this decision is not appealable or debatable and is final.
1. Must be registered as a 501(c) (3) public charity located in Moore County, NC.
2. Have a clear, strong, local brand with substantial local presence and programming in the Moore County North Carolina area.
3. Demonstrate and document community programming and activities, including personal stories of those impacted by your Charity.
4. Have an active and responsible governing Board of three (3) or more, whose members have no material conflict of interest and a majority of whom serve without compensation, which directs the Charity.
5. Comply with applicable federal, state, and municipal laws and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, compliance with individual state registration requirements for charitable solicitation.
6. Ideally, the charity must have no more than 20% of its expenses allocated to administrative expenses for two consecutive years.
7. If requested, provide a copy of the most recently completed and signed IRS Form 990 covering the fiscal year ending not more than 18 months prior to January 2023.
8. Have a policy and demonstrate a practice of non-discrimination as it relates to the operation of the organization, including service delivery, on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, physical or mental health, sexual orientation or any characteristic protected by law.
If you meet the above requirements and would like to partner with Vision 4 Moore, please review the Partnership Agreement below and use the link to complete the Partnership Application.
About Vision 4 Moore
Vision 4 Moore was founded in December 2015 by Robert Baillie and is committed to helping those who help others. At Vision 4 Moore, we believe that fundraising is not just about raising money - it is about building relationships, creating awareness, and making a difference. V4M partners with Moore County, North Carolina Non-Profit Organizations to produce and organize events, as well as promote awareness of their cause. We share the net profits equally with our Partners. In 2025, we will partner with one local non-profit per event. Below, please find a list of expectations for both Vision 4 Moore and your Organization. We hope that you will consider partnering with us.
Please know that is truly a partnership. We ask that you promote the event and assist in selling tickets as if it was one of your own events.
Vision 4 Moore:
· Produce the event – it will be a Vision 4 Moore Production.
· The event will be part of the Cooper Ford Concert Series presented by Vision 4 Moore.
· Will design, develop, coordinate, organize and manage the event.
· Will create, produce, and design all marketing and advertising materials, tickets, schedule of talent, location booking, advertising and promotional materials.
· Will pay the expenses up front and be reimbursed from the proceeds.
· Provide a website and social media pages with event information.
· Identify Sponsors for the events – distribution of these funds to be determined by Vision 4 Moore
· Distribute tickets for sale to outlets.
· Distribute thank you cards and surveys at completion of the event.
· Collect and process all monies utilizing our 501(c)(3) status.
· Provide a financial report.
· Receive 50% of the net profits.
· Vision 4 Moore’s Executive Director will attend a Board Meeting to review our expectations with your Board members prior to accepting the partnership.
· All checks should be made out to Vision 4 Moore.
· Provide alcohol license for events for beer/wine/cider sales.
Partner Organization:
· Receive 50% of the net profits once all revenue from the event has been received and processed
· Responsible for driving ticket salesfor the event and posting all flyers. Flyers must be posted to Vision 4 Moore’s distribution list no later than four weeks prior to the event.
· Promote the event utilizing all your available resources, i.e., email distribution lists, website, social media, posting flyers, speaking engagements, etc.
· Offer tickets for sale at any table/booth at other events you attend.
· Provide all volunteers to assist with the event (volunteers will be coordinated and managed by Vision 4 Moore). The large outdoor events may require up to thirty+ volunteers.
· Provide Vision 4 Moore with a list of all volunteers for the event; including name, phone numbers and email addresses no later than three weeks prior to the event.
· A minimum of volunteers (TBD) will remain for the entire event to assist with clean-up, thanking participants for attending and answering any questions about your organization.
· All participating volunteers need to sign and provide a written copy of the release for Vision 4 Moore prior to working at the event.
· Provide a copy of Organizations insurance policy and add Vision 4 Moore as an additional insured.
· Link Vision 4 Moore’s website and Facebook pages to your sites and social networking pages, as well as follow V4M’s Facebook page at least two months prior to event.
· 100% of all Sponsorship dollars provided by you will be applied to your event only.
· Contribute $2,000 toward the event - this can be in the form of Sponsorships, donations, and/or ticket sales. If the $2,000 minimum is not met, the difference will be deducted from the net proceeds.
· You are welcome to host a table at all our events to share information about your organization – you supply the table, chairs, and volunteers.
· Use only Vision 4 Moore created materials and sites.
· Refrain from hosting your events on the same day as Vision 4 Moore events.
· Promote/support ALL Vision 4 Moore events.
Thank you for considering a partnership with us. Please complete a Partnership Application for 2025 and do not hesitate to call or email with any questions you may have.
Pamela Partis, Executive Director
Vision 4 Moore